
The OpenCGA R Client has been implemented following the Bioconductor guidelines for package development which promote high-quality, well documented and interoperable software. The client provides a user-friendly interface to work with OpenCGA REST Web Services through R.

Client Library

The R package can be downloaded from XXXX and the source code can be found in https://github.com/opencb/opencga/tree/develop/opencga-client/src/main/R. The methods and classes implemented have been designed following the S4 interface as recommended by Bioconductor. Class definitions are stored in R/AllClasses.R. Currently, there is only one class defined containing the OpenCGA connection details which is extensively used by all methods in the package. A set of methods have been implemented to deal with the connectivity and login to the REST host. These methods are stored in R/OpencgaR-methods.R. Connection to the host is done in two steps using the functions initOpencgaR and opencgaLogin for defining the connection details and loging in, respectively.

# Initialise connection
con <- initOpencgaR(host = "http://localhost:8080/opencga/", version = "v1")
# Log in
con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "user", passwd = "pass")

The package implements at least one function for each available resource (user, project, study, etc.) which are defined in R/AllGeneric.R. Currently, the following functions are available:

# User
userClient(OpencgaR, user, action, params=NULL)
userConfigClient(OpencgaR, user, name, action, params=NULL)
userFilterClient(OpencgaR, user, name, action, params=NULL)

# Project
projectClient(OpencgaR, project, action, params=NULL)

# Study
studyClient(OpencgaR, study, action, params=NULL)
studyGroupClient(OpencgaR, study, group=NULL, action, params=NULL)
studyAclClient(OpencgaR, study, memberId, action, params=NULL)
studyVariablesetClient(OpencgaR, variableSet, action, params=NULL)
studyVariablesetFieldClient(OpencgaR, variableSet, action, params=NULL)

# File
fileClient(OpencgaR, f, action, params=NULL)
fileAclClient(OpencgaR, f, memberId, action, params=NULL)

# Job
jobClient(OpencgaR, jobId, action, params=NULL)
jobAclClient(OpencgaR, jobId, memberId, action, params=NULL)

# Family
familyClient(OpencgaR, family, action, params=NULL)
familyAnnotationsetClient(OpencgaR, family, annotationsetName, action, params=NULL)
familyAclClient(OpencgaR, memberIds, action, params=NULL)

# Individual
individualClient(OpencgaR, individual, action, params=NULL)
individualAnnotationsetClient(OpencgaR, individual, annotationsetName, action, params=NULL)
individualAclClient(OpencgaR, memberIds, action, params=NULL)

# Sample
sampleClient(OpencgaR, sample, action, params=NULL) 
sampleAnnotationsetClient(OpencgaR, sample, annotationsetName, action, params=NULL) 
sampleAclClient(OpencgaR, memberIds, action, params=NULL)

# Cohort
cohortClient(OpencgaR, cohort, action, params=NULL)
cohortAnnotationsetClient(OpencgaR, cohort, annotationsetName, action, params=NULL)
cohortAclClient(OpencgaR, memberIds, action, params=NULL)

# Clinical
clinicalClient(OpencgaR, clinicalAnalysis, action, params=NULL)

# Meta
metaClient(OpencgaR, action, params=NULL)

# Ananlysis
analysisVariantClient(OpencgaR, action, params=NULL)

Every method belonging to each resource takes the mandatory parameters individually and calls to the corresponding web service using the correct HTTP method (GET or POST). Any additional query and body parameters (params) should be specified in the params field as a list(). For example, if we wanted to get the information of two samples excluding the attributes and stats fields, we could do it as follows:

# Create params list
params <- list(exclude="attributes,stats")

# Get information

using the GET method usually takes an additional params field containing any of the additional optional parameters. Calls via POST takes an additional body field containing the required information to be sent in the body of the message apart from the params field. Both params and body should be JSON objects containing the previously described information. The list of accepted parameters and fields should be checked in the Swagger documentation.

For example, if we wanted to get the information of two samples excluding the attributes and stats fields, we could do it as follows:

Design Principles



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