Under construction

The variant annotation tool is integrated within the CellBase code and can be accessed in a number of different ways.

Annotate VCF files using the CLI

Please, check the github Readme (https://github.com/opencb/cellbase) to learn how to compile the CellBase code.

Once compiled, you can use the variant-annotation command provided within the cellbase.sh CLI:

cellbase$ build/bin/cellbase.sh variant-annotation -h

Usage:   cellbase.sh variant-annotation [options]

      -a, --assembly                   STRING     Name of the assembly, if empty the first assembly in configuration.json will be read 
          --batch-size                 INT        Number of variants per batch [200]
          --chromosomes                STRING     Comma separated list (no empty spaces in between) of chromosomes to annotate. One may use this 
                                                  parameter only when the --input-variation-collection flag is activated. Variants from all 
                                                  chromosomes will be annotated by default. E.g.: 1,22,X,Y 
      -C, --config                     STRING     CellBase configuration.json file. Have a look at 
                                                  cellbase/cellbase-core/src/main/resources/configuration.json for an example 
          --custom-file                STRING     String with a comma separated list (no spaces in between) of files with custom annotation to be 
                                                  included during the annotation process. File format must be VCF. For example: file1.vcf,file2.vcf 
          --custom-file-fields         STRING     String containing a colon separated list (no spaces in between) of field lists which indicate the 
                                                  info fields to be taken from each VCF file. For example: 
          --custom-file-id             STRING     String with a comma separated list (no spaces in between) of short identifiers for each custom file. 
                                                  For example: fileId1,fileId2 
          --exclude                    STRING     Comma separated list of annotators to be excluded 
          --gzip                                  Whether the output file is gzipped [false]
      -h, --help                                  Display this help and exit [false]
          --include                    STRING     Comma separated list of annotators to be included 
      -i, --input-file                 STRING     Input file with the data file to be annotated 
          --input-variation-collection            Input will be a local installation of theCellBase variation collection. Connection details must be 
                                                  properly specified at a configuration.json file [false]
      -l, --local                                 Database credentials for local annotation are read from configuration.json file [false]
      -L, --log-level                  STRING     Set the logging level, accepted values are: debug, info, warn, error and fatal [info]
      -t, --num-threads                INT        Number of threads to be used for loading [4]
    * -o, --output                     STRING     Output file/directory where annotations will be saved. Set here a directory if flag 
                                                  "--input-variation-collection" is activated (see below). Set a file name otherwise. 
          --output-format              STRING     Variant annotation output format. Values: JSON, PB, VEP [JSON]
          --remote-url                 STRING     The URL of CellBase REST web services, this has no effect if --local is present 
          --resume                                Whether we resume annotation or overwrite the annotation in the output file [false]
    * -s, --species                    STRING     Name of the species to be downloaded, valid format include 'Homo sapiens' or 'hsapiens' [Homo 
          --variant                    STRING     A comma separated variant list in the format chr:pos:ref:alt, ie. 1:451941:A:T,19:45411941:T:C 
      -v, --verbose                    BOOLEAN    [Deprecated] Set the level of the logging [false]

A typical run of the variant annotator would use default values for most of parameters. For example:

cellbase$ build/bin/cellbase.sh variant-annotation -i /tmp/test.vcf.gz -o /tmp/test.json.gz --species hsapiens --assembly GRCh37

By default, the variant annotator will call remote web services deployed at the University of Cambridge (http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/cellbase/webservices/). If a local installation of the CellBase database is available, the --local flag can be enabled to improve annotation performance; please, check the github readme (https://github.com/opencb/cellbase) to learn how to build the code and point it to a particular local database.

Using the Python client (PyCellBase)

A wrapper method is implemented within the VariantClient object for performing variant annotation. Thus, variant annotation can be carried out by simply calling this "get_annotation" method:

>>> from pycellbase.cbconfig import ConfigClient
>>> from pycellbase.cbclient import CellBaseClient
>>> cbc = CellBaseClient(cc)
>>> result = variant_client.get_annotation("19:45411941:T:C,1:69585:TGAGGTCGATAGTTTTTA:-,14:38679764:-:GATCTGAGAAGNGGAANANAAGGG,19:33167329:AC:TT,22:16328960-16344095:<CN5>,22:16328960-16344095:<CN1>,22:16328960-16344095:<CNV>,22:16328960-16344095:<DEL>,22:16328960-16344095:<DUP>,22:16328960-16344095:<INV>")
>>> len(result)
>>> result[8]["result"][0]
  {u'alternate': u'<DUP>',
 u'chromosome': u'22',
 u'consequenceTypes': [{u'biotype': u'unprocessed_pseudogene',
   u'ensemblGeneId': u'ENSG00000234381',
   u'ensemblTranscriptId': u'ENST00000435410',
   u'geneName': u'MED15P7',
   u'sequenceOntologyTerms': [{u'accession': u'SO:0001889',
     u'name': u'transcript_amplification'}],
   u'strand': u'+',
   u'transcriptAnnotationFlags': [u'basic']},
  {u'biotype': u'unprocessed_pseudogene',
   u'ensemblGeneId': u'ENSG00000224435',
   u'ensemblTranscriptId': u'ENST00000426025',
   u'geneName': u'NF1P6',
   u'sequenceOntologyTerms': [{u'accession': u'SO:0001636',
     u'name': u'2KB_upstream_variant'}],
   u'strand': u'+',
   u'transcriptAnnotationFlags': [u'basic']},
  {u'sequenceOntologyTerms': [{u'accession': u'SO:0001566',
     u'name': u'regulatory_region_variant'}]}],
>>> result[8]["result"][0]["consequenceTypes"]
  [{u'biotype': u'unprocessed_pseudogene',
  u'ensemblGeneId': u'ENSG00000234381',
  u'ensemblTranscriptId': u'ENST00000435410',
  u'geneName': u'MED15P7',
  u'sequenceOntologyTerms': [{u'accession': u'SO:0001889',
    u'name': u'transcript_amplification'}],
  u'strand': u'+',
  u'transcriptAnnotationFlags': [u'basic']},
 {u'biotype': u'unprocessed_pseudogene',
  u'ensemblGeneId': u'ENSG00000224435',
  u'ensemblTranscriptId': u'ENST00000426025',
  u'geneName': u'NF1P6',
  u'sequenceOntologyTerms': [{u'accession': u'SO:0001636',
    u'name': u'2KB_upstream_variant'}],
  u'strand': u'+',
  u'transcriptAnnotationFlags': [u'basic']},
 {u'sequenceOntologyTerms': [{u'accession': u'SO:0001566',
    u'name': u'regulatory_region_variant'}]}]

As with any other method offered by the client, additional query parameters can be passed to refine the annotation, e.g. include, exclude, etc. Available parameters can be found in the Swagger documentation: http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/cellbase/webservices

Note that a normalize parameter can be activated enabling, for example, to provide reference and alternate strings in a VCF-like format.

Using the R client (cellbaseR)

Using the RESTful web services

The best way to use of the RESTful Web Services is through the client libraries implemented for different programming languages. Nevertheless, under certain circumstances it may be required to directly access the RESTful API.

Both GET and POST annotation web services are available. These web services can be accessed by either building and accessing the appropriate URL or by using provided Java/Python/R/JavaScript clients.

The URL for accessing the GET web service can be built as: http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/cellbase/webservices/rest/v4/hsapiens/genomic/variant/<VARIANTLIST>/annotation, <VARIANTLIST> containing a comma-separated list of the variants to query. For example, the URL for getting the annotation of variants

chr: 19 pos: 45411941 ref: T alt: C
chr: 14 pos: 38679764 ref: - alt: GATCTGAGAAGGGAAAAAGGG

querying current stable CellBase at the University of Cambridge would be: http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/cellbase/webservices/rest/v4/hsapiens/genomic/variant/19:45411941:T:C,14:38679764:-:GATCTGAGAAGGGAAAAAGGG/annotation

POST queries can also be issued by using almost the same URL: http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/cellbase/webservices/rest/v3/hsapiens/genomic/variant/full_annotation and providing the list of comma separated variants within the data entity.