
A full OpenCGA installation requires three configuration files, all of them are written in YAML format:

  1. configuration.yml: general configuration for different OpenCGA components such as Catalog or Servers
  2. storage-configuration.yml: storage-related configuration settings to index and query genomic data
  3. client-configuration.yml: client configuration required for the command line (opencga.sh) and RESTful client libraries (Java, Python and JavaScript)

The first two files (configuration.yml and storage-configuration.yml) are needed for running the server, while the third one (client-configuration.yml) is required only by clients to interact with the REST or gRPC servers. You can find the configuration files in the conf folder of the OpenCGA installation.

In the next section you will find all the variables together with the Maven Property (written using italics in parenthesis) used during the building to set the default value, remember that you can set these properties using a profile in the settings.xml file or in the mvn install command line itself.

General configuration

This is general file, you find it at https://github.com/opencb/opencga/blob/develop/opencga-core/src/main/resources/configuration.yml, its configuration is used by different components, the variables are:

Option 1 rest: these determine the REST server properties port (OPENCGA.SERVER.REST.PORT): * defaultLimit:

Option 2

Variable | Maven property | Description

rest | - | these determine the REST server properties rest > port | OPENCGA.SERVER.REST.PORT | set the REST server port

Option 3 ###### Rest section This determine the REST server properties port (OPENCGA.SERVER.REST.PORT): defaultLimit:

Catalog configuration

This file is called catalog-configuration.yml, the variables are:

Storage configuration

Client configuration

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