Data organisation

OpenCGA uses a hierarchical structure to organize datasets. Briefly, Projects, Studies and Cohorts are used to organize HGVA metadata:

Please, click on to get a full list of currently available datasets (studies) in HGVA and how they are organized in different projects.


Data sourceVersion/Date
1000 genomes project GRCh37Phase 3 2016-05
1000 genomes project GRCh38Phase 3 2016-10
Exome Sequencing Project2016-05
Exome Aggregation Consortium0.3.1 2016-05
Genome of the NetherlandsRelease 5 2016-05
UK10K project2016-05
Spanish Medical Genome Project2016-12
QIMR Berghofer Melanoma2016-12
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia - Russian Academy of Medical Sciences2016-12

Variant annotation was carried out by the CellBase project. Please, check CellBase documentation for details on additional data sources: Data sources and species