The build process will integrate data from the different sources into the corresponding data models. Use the Cellbase CLI for building the data models. For example, build all human (GRCh37) data models reading the files from the /tmp/data/cellbase/v4/homo_sapiens_grch37/ directory created in section Download Sources and save the result at /tmp/data/cellbase/v4/homo_sapiens_grch37/mongodb/:

cellbase/build/bin$ mkdir /tmp/data/cellbase/v4/homo_sapiens_grch37/mongodb 
cellbase/build/bin$ ./ build -a GRCh37 --common /tmp/data/cellbase/v4/common/ -d all -i /tmp/data/cellbase/v4/homo_sapiens_grch37/ -o /tmp/data/cellbase/v4/homo_sapiens_grch37/mongodb/ -s hsapiens

Note: building process for the whole CellBase dataset may require up to 16GB of RAM and may take up to ~24h, depending on the hardware.

If build was successful, you can proceed to loading the data models into the database.

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