
A working setup of openCGA is required to setup a Testing environment. If user hasn't yet set it up, please follow the steps on installation guide and set it up.

Download Test  Data

In order to populate the environment with real life data, User can download data from the following Genomes ftp. For this tutorial, we will  download and use ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz  


All of the following steps assume, user is under openCGA installation directory (/opt/opencga/). 

Thefollowing CLI command will create the database, the collections and all the indexes, it also creates the admin user with the specified password. The MongoDB database host and name are read from the /conf/catalog-configuration.yml file by default. 

./ catalog install --secret-key any_string_you_want <<< admin_P@ssword

./ catalog install --algorithm HS256 --secret-key any_string_you_want -p <<< admin_P@ssword

Then user need to start catalog dameon

./ catalog daemon --start -p <<< admin_P@ssword

This following command will create a user name "John Doe" and ID "test". Note that as by default OpenCGA is configured as private which means that only admin user can create other users. We are using opencga-admin CLI

./ users create -p -u test --email --name "John Doe" --user-password user_P@ssword <<< admin_P@ssword

Now we will use this newly created user "test" for further actions, for this first user need to login. The next statement will do that: 

./ users login -u test -p <<< user_P@ssword

This will create a hidden directory in your home called .opencga. This directory will contain a file named ~/.opencga/session.json  with the users and the session id, this will be used automatically by, this is valid only for some minutes, by doing this users do not have to write the password too many times. The contents of session.json file will look like : 

  "userId" : "test",
  "sessionId" : "DLDqTu1pQtbnCYI2zVzS",
  "login" : "2017-01-06T10:27:38.043",
  "logout" : null,
  "timestamp" : 1483698458074,
  "projectsAndStudies" : {
    "default" : [ ]

Now with new user, we create a project name "Reference studies GRCh37" and alias "reference_grch37" with the following command :

./ projects create -a reference_grch37 -n "Reference studies GRCh37" --organism-scientific-name "Homo sapiens" --organism-assembly "GRCh37"

Note:  organism-scientific-name and organism-assembly should be available in cellBase. User can get this information using the following public WS: 

Next step, create a study name "" inside project "reference_grch37"

./ studies create -a 1kG_phase3 -n "1000 Genomes Project - Phase 3" --project reference_grch37

Now lets link/register downloaded file(s)s with newly created study. This process will add a file entry in catalog with some information and stats of file(s)

./ files link -i ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz -s 1kG_phase3

Now as this file is linked into openCGA catalog, user can index variants. Below is the pictorial representation of indexing pipeline:


The next step would be to transform this variant file. (This wiki page explains these concepts in detail)

./ variant index --file ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz --transform -o outDir

Next we load transformed data into openCGA storage

./ variant index --file ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz --load -o outDir

After this user can annotate the variants. We will use script for this purpose

mkdir -p /tmp/temporal_annotation ### temporary directory 
./ variant annotate -s 1kG_phase3 -o /tmp/temporal_annotation

As last step, use can calculate statistics on this data using the following command

mkdir -p /tmp/temporal_statistics
./ variant stats -s 1kG_phase3 -o /tmp/temporal_statistics --cohort-ids ALL

For user ease, openCGA provides a single command to perform full pipeline operation. The following command can be executed in place of above four sections (transform, load, annotate and statistics) to achieve same results. Note that we are not writing --transform and --load, since executing this two steps is the default behaviour, unless we specify one or the other.

./ variant index --file ALL.chr22.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz --calculate-stats --annotate

In order to see the status of the running jobs, you can use the folowing command:

./ jobs search -s 1kG_phase3

At this point, data is fully loaded into openCGA storage along with annotations and calculated stats. User can perform different query to access/analyse this data.

./bin/ variant query --return-study 1kG_phase3 --region 22:16052853-16054112

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