Clinical data is supported in File, Sample, Cohort, Individual and Family in field called annotationSets. Any of these entities will be able to perform the same operations described below apart from their own particular features.

Clinical data ingestion

In order to add new clinical information to one entity, the user will need to call to the main /update web service of the entity (files/{file}/update, samples/{sample}/update, etc.). These web services accept a list of annotationSets using the format described above. By default, any time the user sends a list of annotationSets without adding any other parameter, those annotationSets containing the clinical information will be added to the already existing annotationSets the entity might contain (if any). However, this behaviour can be altered by changing the value of the annotationSetsAction query parameter. This parameter accepts 3 possible action values:

Updating some values of already stored clinical data

In order to update only a few values (annotations) of an already stored annotationSet, users will need to call to a new web service .../annotationSets/{annotationSetId}/annotations/update present for the different 5 supported entities. This web service accepts a map of key-values that will generally contain the name of the annotation being updated and the new value to be stored. At the moment, there are 5 different actions supported by the action query parameter:

Querying by clinical data

Querying annotation sets

Creating or modifying annotationSets

Deleting annotationSets

Deleting annotations
