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The Java client provides an API to the whole OpenCGA RESTful layer. We will here only focus on those methods which are of most interest for HGVA users. In order to understand how to create queries using these methods, it would be interesting to have a look at the Datasets and Studies section before.

Getting the Java client code

As previously said, the Java client code is distributed together with the rest of the OpenCGA code

The OpenCGA code can be cloned in your machine by executing in your terminal:

Code Block
$ git clone

Alternatively, you can download tar.gz files with the code for the latest tags/releases of OpenCGA from:

Once you have downloaded the code, follow the instructions at the How to Build section of the OpenCGA repository:

That will generate the .jar containing the Java client library. If you are using Maven as a build and dependency manager you shall find the client .jar file at:

Code Block
$ ll opencga/build/libs/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar 
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 40K Jan  4 17:34 opencga/build/libs/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar
$ ll ~/.m2/repository/org/opencb/opencga/opencga-client/1.0.0-rc3/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar 
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 40K Jan  4 17:34 /home/user/.m2/repository/org/opencb/opencga/opencga-client/1.0.0-rc3/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar

Initializing the Java client

The OpenCGAClient constructor requires a ClientConfiguration object to be passed as a parameter. This ClientConfiguration object will contain basic connection details, namely the URL that points to HGVA web services. The best way to obtain a ClientConfiguration object is to create a .yml configuration file that will later be passed to the load static method of the ClientConfiguration class to generate a new ClientConfiguration object. A client-configuration.yml template is provided within the OpenCGA code. If you have cloned the OpenCGA code, you will find the client-configuration.yml file at:

Code Block
$ ll opencga/opencga-client/src/main/resources/client-configuration.yml 
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 272 Sep  8 14:10 opencga/opencga-client/src/main/resources/client-configuration.yml

This file can easily be edited to set the rest→host attribute to the HGVA web services URL (

Code Block
## number of seconds that session remain open
sessionDuration: 12000

## REST client configuration options
  host: ""
  batchQuerySize: 200
  timeout: 10000
  defaultLimit: 2000

## gRPC configuration options
  host: "localhost:9091"

Once the client-configuration.yml file is ready, you can just create an OpenCGAClient object by running:

Code Block
import org.opencb.opencga.client.config.ClientConfiguration;
OpenCGAClient openCGAClient;
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration;

// Load client configuration from client-configuration.yml file
clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.load(new FileInputStream(Paths.get("/path/to/client-configuration.yml")));
// Create OpenCGA client
openCGAClient = new OpenCGAClient(clientConfiguration);

The OpenCGAClient will, in turn, be able to generate different data client types that will provide methods for accessing the different data types. The most relevant data client types for HGVA users will be the VariantClient, ProjectClient, StudyClient and SampleClient, that you can create by simply doing:

Code Block
VariantClient variantClient = openCGAClient.getVariantClient();
ProjectClient projectClient = openCGAClient.getProjectClient();
StudyClient studyClient = openCGAClient.getStudyClient();
SampleClient sampleClient = openCGAClient.getSampleClient();

Through these clients you will be able to access information about variants, projects, studies and samples. Please, have a look at the examples provided below.

Getting information about genomic variants

Getting variant data from a given study: you . You can use the query method within the VariantClient class:

Code Block
public class VariantClient extends AbstractParentClient {
    public QueryResponse<Variant> query(ObjectMap params) throws CatalogException, IOException 

The params parameter can be provided as a QueryOptions object, which works as a Map by providing a put method that enables to add pairs (filter, value) that form the actual query. Available filters and possible values for them are those described at the Swagger specification for the corresponding web service. For example, get TTN variants from the Genome of the Netherlands study, which is framed within the reference_grch37 project. We will also limit the number of returned results to 3:

Code Block
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryOptions;
QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
queryOptions.put("gene", "TTN");
queryOptions.put("studies", "GONL");
queryOptions.put("limit", 3);

Getting information about projects

Getting all metadata from a particular project:{projects}/info

For example, getting all metadata for the reference_grch37 project: You can use the get method that the ProjectClient class inherits from the CatalogClient :

Code Block
public abstract class CatalogClient<T, A> extends AbstractParentClient {
    public QueryResponse<T> get(String id, QueryOptions options) throws IOException


  • id: String containing the project alias or project name. You can get available project alias at the Datasets and Studies section.
  • options: must be set to null in this case, since no filtering options are available for this purpose.

For example, getting all metadata for the reference_grch37 project:

Code Block
openCGAClient.getProjectClient().get("reference_grch37", null);

Getting all metadata from all studies associated to a particular project. 

Code Block
public class ProjectClient extends CatalogClient<Project, Project> {
    public QueryResponse<Study> getStudies(String projectId, QueryOptions options) throws CatalogException, IOException


  • projectId: String containing the project alias or project name. You can get available project alias at the Datasets and Studies section.
  • options: QueryOptions object which will contain the pairs (filter, value) that form the query. QueryOptions objects work as a Map object, by providing a put method that enables to add the (filter, value) pairs. Available filters and possible values for them are those described at the Swagger specification for the corresponding web service.

For example, getting all studies and their metadata for the cancer_grch37 project:

Code Block
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryOptions;
QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
openCGAClient.getProjectClient().getStudies("cancer_grch37", queryOptions);

Getting information about studies

Get all available studies and their metadata. Please note, of special interest will be here the field alias which contains the study identifier to be used as an input whenever a study must be passed as a parameter:

For example, getting all metadata for all available studies:

Getting summary data from a particular study:{project}:{study}/summary

For example, getting summary data for study 1kG_phase3 which is framed within project reference_grch37:

Getting all available metadata for a particular study:{project}:{study}/info

For example, getting all metadata for study GONL  which is framed within the project reference_grch37:

Getting all samples metadata for a given study:{project}:{study}/samples

For example, getting all samples metadata for study 1kG_phase3 which is framed within project reference_grch37. Please, note that not all studies contain samples data, e.g. GONL, ExAC, among others, only provide variant lists and aggregated frequencies, i.e. no sample genotypes.

Getting information about samples

Get all metadata for a particular sample:{sample}/info?study={project}:{study}

For example, get all metadata for sample HG00096 of the 1kG_phase3 study which is framed within the reference_grch37 project:

Getting information about cohorts

Getting all samples metadata in a given cohort:{cohort}/samples?study={project}:{study}

For example, get all samples metadata for cohort GBR from study 1kG_phase3 which is framed within project reference_grch37:

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents

The Java client provides an API to the whole OpenCGA RESTful layer. We will here only focus on those methods which are of most interest for HGVA users. In order to understand how to create queries using these methods, it would be interesting to have a look at the Datasets and Studies section before.

Getting the Java client code

As previously said, the Java client code is distributed together with the rest of the OpenCGA code

The OpenCGA code can be cloned in your machine by executing in your terminal:

Code Block
$ git clone

Alternatively, you can download tar.gz files with the code for the latest tags/releases of OpenCGA from:

Once you have downloaded the code, follow the instructions at the How to Build section of the OpenCGA repository:

That will generate the .jar containing the Java client library. If you are using Maven as a build and dependency manager you shall find the client .jar file at:

Code Block
$ ll opencga/build/libs/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar 
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 40K Jan  4 17:34 opencga/build/libs/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar
$ ll ~/.m2/repository/org/opencb/opencga/opencga-client/1.0.0-rc3/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar 
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 40K Jan  4 17:34 /home/user/.m2/repository/org/opencb/opencga/opencga-client/1.0.0-rc3/opencga-client-1.0.0-rc3.jar

Initializing the Java client

The OpenCGAClient constructor requires a ClientConfiguration object to be passed as a parameter. This ClientConfiguration object will contain basic connection details, namely the URL that points to HGVA web services. The best way to obtain a ClientConfiguration object is to create a .yml configuration file that will later be passed to the load static method of the ClientConfiguration class to generate a new ClientConfiguration object. A client-configuration.yml template is provided within the OpenCGA code. If you have cloned the OpenCGA code, you will find the client-configuration.yml file at:

Code Block
$ ll opencga/opencga-client/src/main/resources/client-configuration.yml 
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 272 Sep  8 14:10 opencga/opencga-client/src/main/resources/client-configuration.yml

This file can easily be edited to set the rest→host attribute to the HGVA web services URL (

Code Block
## number of seconds that session remain open
sessionDuration: 12000

## REST client configuration options
  host: ""
  batchQuerySize: 200
  timeout: 10000
  defaultLimit: 2000

## gRPC configuration options
  host: "localhost:9091"

Once the client-configuration.yml file is ready, you can just create an OpenCGAClient object by running:

Code Block
import org.opencb.opencga.client.config.ClientConfiguration;
OpenCGAClient openCGAClient;
ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration;

// Load client configuration from client-configuration.yml file
clientConfiguration = ClientConfiguration.load(new FileInputStream(Paths.get("/path/to/client-configuration.yml")));
// Create OpenCGA client
openCGAClient = new OpenCGAClient(clientConfiguration);

The OpenCGAClient will, in turn, be able to generate different data client types that will provide methods for accessing the different data types. The most relevant data client types for HGVA users will be the VariantClient, ProjectClient, StudyClient and SampleClient, that you can create by simply doing:

Code Block
VariantClient variantClient = openCGAClient.getVariantClient();
ProjectClient projectClient = openCGAClient.getProjectClient();
StudyClient studyClient = openCGAClient.getStudyClient();
SampleClient sampleClient = openCGAClient.getSampleClient();

Through these clients you will be able to access information about variants, projects, studies and samples. Please, have a look at the examples provided below.

Getting information about genomic variants

Getting variant data from a given study. You can use the query method within the VariantClient class:

Code Block
public class VariantClient extends AbstractParentClient {
    public QueryResponse<Variant> query(ObjectMap params) throws CatalogException, IOException 

The params parameter can be provided as a QueryOptions object, which works as a Map by providing a put method that enables to add pairs (filter, value) that form the actual query. Available filters and possible values for them are those described at the Swagger specification for the corresponding web service. For example, get TTN variants from the Genome of the Netherlands study, which is framed within the reference_grch37 project. We will also limit the number of returned results to 3:

Code Block
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryOptions;
QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
queryOptions.put("gene", "TTN");
queryOptions.put("studies", "GONL");
queryOptions.put("limit", 3);

Getting information about projects

Getting all metadata from a particular project. You can use the get method that the ProjectClient class inherits from the CatalogClient :

Code Block
public abstract class CatalogClient<T, A> extends AbstractParentClient {
    public QueryResponse<T> get(String id, QueryOptions options) throws IOExceptionYou can use the getStudies method within the ProjectClient class:public class ProjectClient extends CatalogClient<Project, Project> {
    public QueryResponse<Study> getStudies(String projectId, QueryOptions options) throws CatalogException, IOException
}Inputs:projectId: String containing the project alias or project name. You can get available project alias at the Datasets and Studies section.options: QueryOptions object to provide the (filter, value) pairs that form the query. QueryOptions objects work as Maps and providing a put method that enables to add pairs (filter, value) that form the actual query. Available filters and possible values for them are those described at the Swagger specification for the corresponding web service.
For example, getting all metadata for the reference_grch37 project:import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryOptions;
QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
openCGAClient.getProjectClient().get("reference_grch37", null);


  • id: String containing the project alias or project name. You can get available project alias at the Datasets and Studies section.
  • options: must be set to null in this case, since no filtering options are available for this purpose.

For example, getting all metadata for the reference_grch37 project:

Code Block
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryOptions;
openCGAClient.getProjectClient().get("reference_grch37", null);

Getting all metadata from all studies associated to a particular project:{projects}/studies

For example, getting all studies and their metadata for the cancer_grch37 project:

Getting information about studies

Get all available studies and their metadata. Please note, of special interest will be here the field alias which contains the study identifier to be used as an input whenever a study must be passed as a parameter:

For example, getting all metadata for all available studies:

Getting summary data from a particular study:{project}:{study}/summary

For example, getting summary data for study 1kG_phase3 which is framed within project reference_grch37:

Getting all available metadata for a particular study:{project}:{study}/info

For example, getting all metadata for study GONL  which is framed within the project reference_grch37:

Getting all samples metadata for a given study:{project}:{study}/samples

For example, getting all samples metadata for study 1kG_phase3 which is framed within project reference_grch37. Please, note that not all studies contain samples data, e.g. GONL, ExAC, among others, only provide variant lists and aggregated frequencies, i.e. no sample genotypes.

Getting information about samples

Get all metadata for a particular sample:{sample}/info?study={project}:{study}

For example, get all metadata for sample HG00096 of the 1kG_phase3 study which is framed within the reference_grch37 project:

Getting information about cohorts

Getting all samples metadata in a given cohort:{cohort}/samples?study={project}:{study}

For example, get all samples metadata for cohort GBR from study 1kG_phase3 which is framed within project reference_grch37:

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents