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OpenCGA has published a "ready to run" docker image called "opencga:2.0-demo" for a quick testing and understand its working without worrying and installing OpenCGA and its dependencies. Once user pull this image, he can immediately start running and using OpenCGA. This image contains the following components :

  1. OpenCGA binaries
  2. MongoDB 4.0
  3. Solr 6.6 ( default
  4. init script ( to install catalog an populate data on demand)

Once user run opencga demo image, on first run, it will install catalog into mongodb, load, annotato variant data and index into solr search engine by default. In case user don't wish to load any data, just pass load=false option to instruct container to not load any data. 

Code Block
docker run --name demo -d opencga:2.0-demo