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In this case, the operators =, == and != are also supported, though they might give unexpected results to the user. For this reason, we have also added === and !== operators to support any possible query operation. An example containing the results that would be obtained is shown in the table below:

OperatorValue looked forIndividuals returnedExplanation
=, ==B1, 2Fetch all the individuals containing annotationSet or variableSet B
===B2Fetch all the individuals that only contains annotationSet or variableSet B
!=B1, 3, 4Fetch all the individuals that doesn't only contain annotationSet or variableSet B. Individuals containing B plus any other annotationSet or variableSet  will be returned.
!==B3, 4Fetch all the individuals that have never been annotated using annotationSet or variableSet B.

Project the annotation fields to return
