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Code Block
titleRange Basic facet specification


E.g.: ...&fields=chromosome[1,2];types


When asking for ranges, the result contains multiple buckets over a numeric field. You must specify the field name, the lower and upper bounds and the step or bucket size.


E.g.: ...&fields=gerp[0..10]:0.5

Aggregation functions

Aggregation functions, also called facet functions, analytic functions, or metrics, calculate something interesting over a domain (each facet bucket).


E.g.: ...&fields=percentile(gerp);max(caddScaled)

Nested facets

Nested facets allow users to nest bucketing terms, ranges or aggregations. In order to specify nested facets you must use the symbols >>

E.g.: ...&fields=chromosome[5,6]>>type

Field types: categorical and numeric

Categorical field names

Field nameDescriptionFacet example
idVariant IDList of values
namesNamesList of <chromosome>:<start>-<end>




typeVariant type, e.g.: INDEL, SNV, SNP,...List of values. Accepted values: [SNV, MNV, INDEL, SV, CNV]
referenceReferenceList of values
alternateAllternateList of values
studyMatches with variants that are in the specified studiesList of values. Accept negations.


Samples with a specific genotype

 e.g. HG0097:0/0;HG0098:0/1,1/1.

Genotype aliases accepted: HOM_REF, HOM_ALT, HET, HET_REF, HET_ALT and MISS

 e.g. HG0097:HOM_REF;HG0098:HET_REF,HOM_ALT.

This will automatically set 'includeSample' parameter when not provided

sampleFilter variants where ALL the provided samples are mutated (HET or HOM_ALT)List of samples.

Specify the FILTER for any of the files. If "files" filter is provided, will match the file and the filter.

List of values.

Specify the QUAL for any of the files. If 'file' filter is provided, will match the file and the qual


Filter by INFO attributes from file.

If no file is specified, will use all files from "file" filter.

e.g. AN>200 or file_1.vcf:AN>200;file_2.vcf:AN<10 .

Many INFO fields can be combined. e.g. file_1.vcf:AN>200;DB=true;file_2.vcf:AN<10


Filter by any FORMAT field from samples.

If no sample is specified, will use all samples from "sample" or "genotype" filter.

e.g. DP>200 or HG0097:DP>200,HG0098:DP<10 .

Many FORMAT fields can be combined. e.g. HG0097:DP>200;GT=1/1,0/1,HG0098:DP<10

releaseReturn variants that were present in that specific releaseRelease number
geneTraitIdGene trait association IDumls:C0007222 , OMIM:269600
geneTraitNameGene trait association nameCardiovascular Diseases
clinVarTraitClinVar trait name
gwasTraitGWAS trait name
hpoList of HPO terms.HP:0000545
goList of GO (Genome Ontology) terms.GO:0002020,GO:0006508
expressionList of tissues of interest
proteinKeywordsList of protein variant annotation keywords
drugList of drug names

Numeric field names

Numeric field names can be used to compute range facets and aggregation functions.

Field nameDescriptionFacet range example
startList of genes

lengthConsequence type SO term list.SO:0000045,SO:0000046
xrefExternal references
biotypeList of biotypes
polyphenpolyphen protein substitution scorepolyphen>0.1 , sift=tolerant
siftsift protein substitution scorephastCons>0.5 , phylop<0.1 , gerp>0.1
phastConsphastCons conservation score
phylopphylop conservation score
gerpgerp conservation score
cadd_rawRaw CADD functional score
cadd_scaledScaled CADD functional score
mafMinor allele frequency

populationFrequencyAltAlternate Population Frequency1000GENOMES_phase_3:AFR>0.2
populationFrequencyRefReference Population FrequencyESP_6500:AA<0.2
populationFrequencyMafPopulation minor allele frequencyEXAC:AES>=0.6
transcriptionFlagsList of transcript annotation flagsCCDS, basic, cds_end_NF, mRNA_end_NF, cds_start_NF, mRNA_start_NF, seleno
geneTraitIdList of gene trait association idsumls:C0007222 , OMIM:269600
geneTraitNameList of gene trait association namesCardiovascular Diseases
traitList of traits, based on ClinVar, HPO, COSMIC
hpoList of HPO terms.HP:0000545
goList of GO (Genome Ontology) terms.GO:0002020,GO:0006508
expressionList of tissues of interest
proteinKeywordsList of protein variant annotation keywords
drugList of drug names

Variant Fields

The parameters include and exclude accepts a list of Variant Fields. This is a list with all the accepted values. Some short alias to those fields are listed in italic.

  • id
  • chromosome
  • start
  • end
  • reference
  • alternate
  • length
  • type
  • studies
    • studies.samplesData | samples | samplesData

    • studies.files | files

    • studies.stats | stats

    • studies.secondaryAlternates

    • studies.studyId

  • annotation
    • annotation.ancestralAllele
    • annotation.xrefs
    • annotation.hgvs
    • annotation.displayConsequenceType
    • annotation.consequenceTypes
    • annotation.populationFrequencies
    • annotation.minorAllele
    • annotation.minorAlleleFreq
    • annotation.conservation
    • annotation.geneExpression
    • annotation.geneTraitAssociation
    • annotation.geneDrugInteraction
    • annotation.variantTraitAssociation
    • annotation.functionalScore
    • annotation.additionalAttributes

GroupBy and Rank
